Moocall HEat

Better and Easier

Automate the vasectomised bull for excellent results with minimal effort.

The Bull knows best

The vasectomised bull is doing the hard work. He is an excellent, reliable heat detection method.

Cows in heat straight to your phone

Via text or Moocall App. All your data straight to your phone makes identifying and managing cows in heat easy.

60 day money back GUARANTEE

We're so confident you'll love our Moocall HEAT system that we now have a 60-day money-back guarantee in place.


€1500 for collar & 50 ear tags & first year data
Annual Charge €350 inc Vat ( after year 1) 

Get Ready for AI Season

HerdApp: Register and Manage

Your herd on your phone.
Record heats & serves
See cows due to repeat or not bred etc

Due to Reports

Due to calve
Due to breed/repeat
In drug retention
High SCC cows & lots more

Drug compliance

Get Bord Bia ready with simple & easy drug records.
Scan drugs & tags

Find out more